Sunday, July 03, 2011

Post Exam Time

Exam Time:Full Course in "ONE NIGHT"
Guys n Girls,

For most of the undergraduates last month was a tiresome period especially for the students of VTU with the semester examination. But with the end of exams now is the time for relaxing. For the first few days of the "POST EXAMINATION ERA", I completed my nap. Now is the time to go out and have fun but unfortunately for that, I don't have friends as all gone on vacation but I have my school friends out there waiting for some fun. Aha so for those of you who are already at home, some who are about to go and of you those have an internship "contract", have a great vacation or rather "post exam time". Undoubtedly many guys would have been away from their razors and bikes while girls been away from parlor and all cosmetics which is proofed when a smile comes to their face of just listening about these beloved things, now have a chance to get back to them again. Do have a great time all.

Monday, May 16, 2011

21 Hours

Shivanasamudra Waterfall
               Life is full of surprises and we need to unlock them. Just another surprise was the one on May 14 this very year. Just after returning from college in the afternoon, my awesome friends and my brethren made a plan to go for trip. Interestingly the place was not decided. Just the plan to go out of the city and the "team". Left at 3 in the afternoon we traveled to Mysore and then to the waterfall- Shivanasamudra. With no petrol in the car we began the journey and returned the next afternoon at 12. Some of the hurdles like fuel tank empty on a lonely road at midnight were crossed at pace.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


                           This one is dedicated to all the death metal lovers.

Black Nails- for DEATH METAL fans

       For musicians black means something related to death and thats why the genre death metal evolved. For a metal band, application of nail paint is matter of its depth into death metal. I also experienced the feel of death metal a few days back when I applied the black nail paint. I went to the rock show in one of the college in Bangalore. Some of the prominent bands of the city were invited for their performance.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hey guys,
                This goes to all people who like executive style pens. Yesterday I came across a brand of pens ... "LAMY". A brand with an executive touch in its every product. LAMY is a German company established in the year 1930 by C. Josef Lamy in Heidelberg, Germany. Since then it is working to provide the world with an excellent comfort for writing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cool Play

        With extra curricular activities on, there is a pressure on students for their studies. Being engrossed in the activities, no time is left to spend on studies and eventually parents start bringing it to your notice along with teachers. Stuck in complicated situation, a feel for getting all alone, get apart from the world strikes through the mind again and again and students may become a bit angry. But this is not a sphere to exhibit the exasperation, but to play in a manner so that the events are in your own control.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


        A busy schedule is a part of everyone's life and thus leaves no time to enjoy the outside world. Despite of the fact that the work is enjoyed in initial stage, the long time devoted to it makes life monotonous. Pissed off with the monotonicity, now is the time to get a change. And so I went for a trip with my friends to a beach. A 300 km ( 186.42 miles ) journey back and forth.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


         After a long full working day, we have only a few hours left for us. But the work in personal life is waiting to be addressed. This is the schedule of every working person and the center population- students. After facing problems in the daily life a solution is searched by the tired person. Generally its the advice of a friend as a solution.